7 I-League clubs decide to collectively withdraw from Super Cup!

Seven out of the 11 I-League have announced that they have collectively withdrawn from the upcoming Super Cup 2019 to be played in Bhubaneswar.

The seven clubs are I-League champions Chennai City FC, East Bengal Club, Mohun Bagan, NEROCA FC, Aizawl FC, Gokulam Kerala FC, and Minerva Punjab FC.

Not part of the group are Real Kashmir FC, Churchill Brothers, Shillong Lajong FC and the Indian Arrows.

The official statement said, We have together resolved to withdraw our respective teams participation from the upcoming Super Cup 2019 due to the following reasons:

Ø Our letter dated 18th February requesting the General Secretary of AIFF to address the various issues of the I-League has not been responded to.

Ø No Clarity of the I-League and its future.

Ø Increasing inability to find financial sponsors in the absence of clarity of the League and its future

Ø Lack of an agenda for the game at the grass root level.

You will notice that the issues we stand for are not related to any single club but for the overall development of the game in India. Neither of these moves are targeted to any individual or entity but is aimed at ensuring that the agenda of the AIFF is focussed on the structure of Football and the development of the game.

Each of our clubs are keen to play and win at every level for our fans and players. We hope that the AIFF will take necessary steps to address our issues and therefore enable the conduct of the tournament. Whenever our concerns are addressed, we are ready to play and look forward to growth of this beautiful game in our country.

About Press Release

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