The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has launched the second edition of the State Development Project as part of the FIFA Forward Plan for India. The Project stems from the need of executing the Strategic Plan across the country and especially in certain chosen states.
AIFF conducted a workshop for the appointed Development Officers in the chosen states for initiation of the project in the areas of Youth Leagues and Competition, Women’s Football, Grassroots, Coach Education, Club Licensing, Media Handling, Player Registrations, Refereeing and Academy Accreditation. The workshop took place at Football House, New Delhi on August 1/2, 2018. The Development Committee having shortlisted the eleven states for the project and the Executive Committee having approved the same, the eleven development officers appointed were deputed across the chosen states for execution of the strategic plan.
The States chosen for the Project are:
1. New Delhi
2. Maharashtra
3. Jammu & Kashmir
4. Kerala
5. Tamil Nadu
6. Mizoram
7. Meghalaya
8. West Bengal
9. Goa
10. Punjab
11. Odisha
The project will be divided into phases with the first phase ending in December 2018. The project will be evaluated at its conclusion in 2020.