Arjen Robben to make comeback at home club FC Groningen!

Netherlands and Bayern Munich legend Arjen Robben is set to make a comeback with home town club FC Groningen in the new 2020/21 season, a year after retiring at Bayern Munich.

The 36-year-old top player has been training for weeks to be part of the FC Groningen first team at the start of the 2020/21 season. The Pride of the North is delighted and gilded that Robben wants to try once again to make a comeback in professional football ‘out of club love’.

“The club can use any help during this period to get through the corona crisis. I myself have also participated in various actions and also thought about what else I could do for our FC. In recent weeks I have had many consultations with people within the club and perhaps the most listened to the action of the supporters: ‘Arjen, follow your heart!’ … A return as a player of FC Groningen. It started to itch and now it’s my mission. I’m working on a comeback as a footballer. At FC. I don’t know yet whether this will work. What I do know is that it will not depend on my commitment and motivation.”

FC Groningen TV recently traveled to Munich for an exclusive interview with Robben during one of his last days as a resident of Bavaria. An extensive conversation about, among other things, the trajectory he takes and what the Pride of the North means to him. Watch the video above!

Arjen Robben gave a press conference earlier this afternoon at the Hitachi Capital Mobility Stadium about his comeback at FC Groningen. Watch the video below!

About Arunava Chaudhuri

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