FIFA Workshop to ‘review’ progress of India’s State FAs concludes!

FIFA - AIFF - IndiaA two-day Workshop to ‘review’ the progress made by the State Associations under the State Development plan ended in Goa on Thursday (May 26). Besides the General Secretaries for the six chosen States, Technical Officers and Marketing Officers of the respective State FAs attended the Workshop.

“The State Development Plan was launched in line of AIFF’s Strategic Plan to strengthen the State FAs. We are here to set the action plan for the next 12 months,” Mike Pfister, Senior Development Manager, Member Associations & Development Officer, FIFA, told AIFF Media.

“In the Workshop we reviewed the last six months and trained full time professionals for better delivery of the Programmes. We also involved the Secretaries to bridge and integrate the full time staff into the daily functioning of the State FAs,” Dr. Shaji Prabhakaran, FIFA Regional Development Officer, South and Central Asia, said.

“It’s basically a stock taking of where the different State Associations involved in the Project are at the moment,” Mike stated, only to add: “The good news is that there is a strong commitment from all the six State Associations.”

Complementing Mike, Dr. Shaji added: “The purpose for which we initiated the Project seems to be working. There has been a satisfactory progress and I need to compliment the States Associations and people working on the Project.”

FIFA has granted a budget of USD 35,000 to the six State Associations for their various development activities.

“FIFA will be paying to the State Associations to manage the Youth League, Women’s League, Coach Education Programmes and Grassroots Programmes, Dr. Shaji informed.

“In fact, it’s an activity based budget. The State Associations need to come up with their expenditure and activity plan. It’s up for discussion and if it’s convincing the payment would be done,” Mike added.

“The entire Project is an investment from FIFA where they expect sustainable development and capacity building” Dr. Shaji maintained.

“The Project has been tailor made for India keeping in mind its size. We may be involving other State associations in the future.”

by AIFF Media

About Arunava Chaudhuri

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