India U-17 midfielder Amarjit Singh Kiyam: It all feels like a dream!

Hope is a dangerous thing, but only for those who can’t work hard and turn those hopes into reality. Amarjit Singh Kiyam is one who has turned those hopes into a reality. His passion coupled with his hard work has brought him to a place which his friends are envious of and his family proud of. His dream of representing the nation is coming true.

“I used to think that one day, I’ll represent my country in football. And now I’m here. I still can’t believe it because it all feels like a dream.”

“My uncle Diven helped me the most. He was my first coach and was the one who encouraged and taught me football”, as he praises the person who also happens to be team-mate Jeakson Singh’s father.

“Joining the AIFF Academy was a huge stepping stone in life. My game improved and I learnt how to compose myself on and off the field.” Although he does admit that “it feels sad to be away from family and friends” but this is all to fulfill his “parent’s desire to see me playing for the Indian Senior National Team”.

Unflinching support from his family too has helped him out a lot. “My father is a farmer and during the off-season he works as a carpenter but he never asked me to join him. He encouraged me to play football and follow my heart’s desire. My elder brother too loved football. Although he didn’t turn professional but he did play for the India U-14 and U-16 teams. He too has supported me a lot”

“I am quite blessed to be here and I just wish to give it my best every time I am on the field.” states the midfielder.

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