Jamshedpur FC’s Khalid Jamil speaks before East Bengal FC game!

Jamshedpur FC Head Coach Khalid Jamil spoke to the media ahead of the Indian Super League clash against East Bengal FC.

On the opponent…

Yes, acknowledging that we did suffer a loss against them. They performed exceptionally well in the semi-final. They’re a formidable team, boasting talented foreign players and recent acquisitions. Their performance under their coach has been commendable, and even their Indian players have shown quality. In the semi-final, our performance wasn’t up to par, and they capitalized, earning three points. However, we need to approach this upcoming match with caution. It won’t be an easy game, especially with the added pressure of playing on our home turf. We must maintain mental resilience.

On the pressure against East Bengal FC…

Indeed, pressure is inherent in every match, and it’s true, they’re a strong opponent. We must acknowledge and embrace the pressure, as it’s integral to the game. However, we need to focus on moving forward, learning from our mistakes, and rectifying our shortcomings. Each match is unique and playing at home demands excellence in all aspects of our game, whether it’s defence or attack.

On Jeremy Manzorro’s performance…

Jeremy Manzorro has been performing impressively, and he needs to maintain his level of dedication and hard work. He’s undeniably one of our top players. Javier Siverio is undoubtedly a valuable player with his experience.

On East Bengal FC recent signing…

Clayton poses a significant threat, given his extensive experience. However, every player on their team, including Narayan and Mahesh, is formidable. We understand the challenges they present, and we won’t underestimate them. Many teams have undergone changes, and while we’re adapting gradually, we recognize the strength of their recent signings whom we didn’t face previously. Our preparation for this match is thus distinct. Regarding our previous home match draw, we haven’t dwelled on it yet. Our primary focus is on this upcoming game, and we will fight to deliver a positive outcome.

On the team atmosphere…

Everything within the team dynamic is running smoothly. The players are motivated and working diligently. While pressure exists, we’re equipped to handle it, focusing solely on achieving positive results against tough opponents. Team morale and camaraderie are paramount. Having a united front within the team enhances our performance. The facilities here are the best in the country and have contributed significantly to our recovery and overall well-being, facilitating our cohesion and collective effort.

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