Real Madrid and Athletic Club’s lawsuit against BOOST LALIGA dismissed!

LALIGA has today learned of the ruling from the Court of First Instance No.15 dismissing the lawsuit filed by Athletic Club and Real Madrid CF against LALIGA.

The ruling confirms the legality of the agreement with CVC, stating that it complies with the legal and statutory frameworks in force. Furthermore, it stresses that neither LALIGA’s statutes nor the applicable regulations for the management and administration of the audiovisual and economic rights of sports organisations were violated. This implies that the operation was carried out in compliance with the powers and procedures established in law and LALIGA’s statutes.

The procedures followed during the approval and execution of the transaction with CVC are therefore validated as having complied with all statutory and legal requirements, including the necessary votes and approvals by LALIGA’s governing boards.

The ruling also concludes that the transaction with CVC does not infringe on the rights of the participating LALIGA clubs, arguing that the agreements reached “were made in a manner that respects the rights and obligations of the clubs, without imposing unfair conditions on them or significantly altering their participation and rights within the competition”.

It also recognises LALIGA’s autonomy to manage and administer its commercial and audiovisual rights, as long as this is done within the existing legal framework. This includes the ability to carry out financial and commercial operations that are considered beneficial to its members collectively, while always respecting the applicable laws and regulations, as is the case with BOOST LALIGA.

LALIGA welcomes the ruling that once again ratifies the legitimacy of the agreement with CVC, which has the support of 44 signatory clubs. The agreement has allowed the clubs to plan investments, without public funding, which would otherwise have been unaffordable and will accelerate their growth by 20 years in terms of investment, infrastructure, internationalisation and professionalisation, among many other aspects.

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