Results of Corona tests carried out by LaLiga 1/2 announced!

After carrying out the mandatory medical tests among essential staff at LaLiga clubs in order to resume training, a number of positive COVID-19 cases have been detected.

In concrete, five positive cases have been detected among players of LaLiga Santander and LaLiga SmartBank clubs, all of which are asymptomatic and in the latter stages of the virus. The identity of the players is unknown to LaLiga in line with data protection legislation. The aggregate results have been sent by LaLiga to the CSD (Spanish High Sports Council) and to the Spanish Ministry of Health.

Per LaLiga protocol, The next steps for those who have returned positive COVID-19 results are:

  1. Remaining in quarantine at home. Players will stick to the same individual physical training routine they have been following until now, in line with the club’s instructions.
  2. They will be tested for COVID-19 again in the coming days and, after two consecutive negative results, will be able to rejoin training at the team facilities.
  3. LaLiga will also offer tests to people living with those affected.

LaLiga will continue to apply the Return to Training protocol approved by the CSD and Spanish Ministry of Health, in order to guarantee as much as possible the health and safety of all players, coaching staff and club employees.

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