Revised UEFA social responsibility strategy approved for 2017-21 cycle!

Following a comprehensive review of its social responsibility strategy, UEFA has reaffirmed its commitment to issues such as child protection, access, inclusion, reconciliation, sustainable event management and tackling discrimination.

After a tender process in the fields of child protection, health and Co2 carbon, the UEFA Fair Play and Social Responsibility Committee has confirmed new partnerships with the following bodies in those respective fields: Terre des hommes (Tdh), European Healthy Stadia Network and South Pole Group
UEFA’s 55 member associations will also be invited to submit projects in the field of football for refugees and migrants, with bids open for six annual grants over the four-year period.

Other partners within UEFA’s social responsibility portfolio for 2017-21:
• Football for all abilities: International Blind Sports Association (IBSA); CP Football (cerebral palsey); Special Olympics Europe Eurasia (SOEE); European Deaf Sports Organisation (EDSO); European Powerchair Football Association (EPFA); European Amputee Football Federation (EAFF)
• Access: Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFE)
• Inclusion: Homeless World Cup
• Racism and discrimination: Fare network
• Peace and reconciliation: Cross Cultures (CCPA)
• Solidarity: International Platform for Sport And Development (
• Team of the Year Award: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

The chairman of UEFA’s Fair Play and Social Responsibility Committee, Peter Gilliéron, said, “We’re really looking forward to working with our new and existing partners, and playing a more active role in issues like child protection, and dealing with the refugee crisis.”

“We feel confident that this is a really well-rounded portfolio, and gives us the perfect platform for European football to act in a socially responsible manner.”

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