rs1tv – VIDEO: The Euro 2016 Talk moderated by me in Remscheid!

rs1tvI hosted for rs1tv on Thursday, June 16 in my home town Remscheid a special Euro 2016 Talk about the ongoing 2016 UEFA European Championships in France. As guests we had Tim Klammer (Assistant Coach, Dabringhauser TV), Marius Suchanoff (Player, FC Remscheid), Cedric Pick (Moderator) and Patrick Clalüna (FanFeier Remscheid).

Am Donnerstag Nachmittag gab es im Allee Center einen EM2016-Talk wo wir Tim Klammer (Co-Trainer, Dabringhauser TV), Marius Suchanoff (Spieler, FC Remscheid), Cedric Pick (Moderator) und Patrick Clalüna (FanFeier Remscheid) zu Gast hatten.

About Arunava Chaudhuri

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