Sajid Dar: Crucial for Indian Defence to Perform Against Uzbekistan!

The Indian Women’s Senior National Team gears up to face Uzbekistan in their third match of the 2018 AFC Women’s Asian Cup Qualifying campaign at the Kim II Sung Stadium in the Capital city of North Korea, Pyongyang, on April 07, 2017. The kick-off for which is slated for IST 3PM.

In an exclusive interview, Head Coach Sajid Dar talks at length about the result against South Korea, opponents Uzbekistan, the Indian defence line and a lot more. EXCERPTS:

What is your analysis of India’s loss against South Korea?

It is always hard to play against one of the best Teams in the World. It was a learning experience for us and we gained a lot. We wish to implement whatever we have learnt in the last two matches, in our coming fixtures.

Our Goalkeeper Panthoi (Chanu) has been excellent over the last two matches, so there are a couple of positive things that we have learnt from these matches.

The Indian defence has conceded 18 goals in two matches. How stable does it need to become?

Many goals that we have conceded are because of schoolboy errors over the last two matches. Sometimes we just switch off at the wrong moment and sometimes we let complacency take the better of us. There cannot be any excuse when you are playing at this level and we need to buckle up in every department before we face Uzbekistan.

How much of a challenge will Uzbekistan be?

Uzbekistan are a Team that play quick on the counter. We will have to be wary of them as they have the necessary Players to hurt us. However, we are on the same page as them (Uzbekistan) and although it will be a tough and tight match, we will give it our all to win.

How crucial is it for the Indian defence to perform against Uzbekistan?

The Uzbek forwards are very quick on the break. They (Uzbek forwards) rely on speed to dodge defenders and our defence line will have to be at its very best to tackle them. It is not only crucial, but also vital for the defence to perform if we have to secure a win.

What can we expect from the Indian Team when they face Uzbekistan?

Their very best! We have to prove a point now. We have to secure a win. The last two matches were a learning process for us because you do not get to play top Teams each day, but now we are playing a Team that is on the same level as us.

Are there any injury concerns amongst the squad?

Dalima (Chhibber), Sweety (Devi) and Bala (Devi) have picked up slight knocks, but it is nothing too serious. The trio will be fit for the match against Uzbekistan.

by AIFF Media

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