Tag Archives: Walking Football

Walking Football – The potential to make a difference to people’s lives in Oceania!

Meet Natalie Broadhead, the driving force behind the establishment of ‘Walking Football’ in a small New Zealand community. The Football Development Officer for WaiBop Football attended a Workshop delivered by New Zealand Football’s Shane Verma and Professor Harry Hubbard from the University of British Columbia in January, on Walking Football. …

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rs1tv VIDEO: Walking Football in Remscheid!

In my home town Remscheid a new trend sports, Walking Football, was played with a first-ever tournament of the new form of football. Watch my rs1tv report! Am Samstagnachmittag waren wir in Bliedinghausen wo TuRa Remscheid-Süd und BKV Remscheid ein Turnier zur neuen Trendsportart Walking Football organisiert hat.

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