Asia’s premium beer Tiger Beer has teamed up with global football icon Heung-Min Son to ignite a movement to encourage people to set aside their fears and achieve bold ambitions in 2022. The Year of the Tiger will begin at Lunar New Year on February 1, 2022 and marks the perfect opportunity to embody the symbolic power of the Tiger and uncage your bold ambitions for the year ahead.
Son has inspired people around the world with his journey from South Korea to becoming the highest scoring Asian player in Europe’s premier club competition. Through dreaming big and never giving up in the face of adversity, he overcame challenges with courage and determination. Son’s journey makes him the perfect partner for Tiger Beer’s mission to help people uncage their inner tiger.
Today, Son is declaring how the Year of the Tiger is inspiring him to target his boldest ambition yet – to win a major trophy for his country. To inspire fans everywhere about what can be achieved by dreaming big, Son has shared a series of emojis on his Instagram feed and stories that expresses his targets, and has invited his followers to share their own bold goals. Fans across the globe can participate in the movement by responding to the “My Year, My Goals,” Instagram “Add Yours” story sticker feature created by Tiger Beer with their own ambitions for the Year of the Tiger.
Heung-Min Son, Official Tiger Brand Ambassador comments, “Tigers are strong in the face of adversity and never back down from a challenge, they’re always bold and determined. I’ve always tried to have the courage to never give up on my dreams – even in the most difficult times. The Year of the Tiger is the perfect opportunity for all of us to dream big and focus on uncaging our true selves. I’m delighted to partner with Tiger Beer in this movement to inspire people everywhere to own the year by embodying the spirit of the Tiger.”
Sean O’Donnell, Global Brand Director, Tiger, Tiger Beer comments, “Tiger Beer was born from defying the odds with a bold and courageous spirit. Brewing beer in the tropics was thought to be impossible until we did it. Son is a global icon who perfectly embodies the spirit of Tiger Beer – he is courageous, confident and unstoppable. We believe that we are all born with a Tiger inside us – a version of ourselves that knows no limits to what is possible – but few of us are able to uncage it. We are delighted to be working with Son to inspire people everywhere to use the Year of the Tiger as the catalyst to realise their true selves.”
The partnership with Son is the latest in Tiger Beer’s ongoing commitment to help people Uncage their Tiger. As part of the movement, Tiger has launched a new campaign film featuring Son, ‘The Year of Your Tiger’, celebrating the optimism and bold ambitions of people across the world ahead of the Year of the Tiger.