Indian Union Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Sports Vijay Goel arrived in Mizoram today, June 26 and visited the Mizoram Football Association’s football ground currently under construction at Sairang Dinthar and promised a football academy in celebration of the successes of Mizoram in football.
Vijay Goel said, “The reason I came to this state and visit these sites is because Mizoram is at the forefront of football in the country.”
MFA Honorary Secretary Lalnghinglova Hmar explained the great progress of the sport in Mizoram, “In the past four years, we have won almost every competition we have faced, and 2017 in particular, has been a year of great success.”
The MFA Honorary Secretary also spoke of the success of Mizoram at the 2014 Santosh Trophy, 2015 National Games and 2017 I-League champions Aizawl FC plus the success of Grassroots Football and various state teams at age group levels.
He also spoke of Mizoram’s contribution of players at various levels in the Indian National Team.
Vijay Goel stated, “We shall build a football academy here. We may not be able to provide funding in one single transaction. But we shall provide you in smaller recurring packages.”
“We shall build a football academy to ensure the progress of football in Mizoram continues, so that Indian football will continue to do so as well. I will also talk about the matter to my colleagues in the ministry.”
Vijay Goel also said that football has grown to be a big sport in the country alongside cricket, and that it is talked about in all the places he visits. He also spoke of his delight at the progress of football in Mizoram.
The MFA president Lal Thanzara welcomed the Union Minister at the MFA Ground, while Zodintluanga, Sports Minister, Mr. Hmingdailova Khiangte, Parliamentary Secretary as well as Sports & Youth Services Department officials and Mizoram State Sports Council officials were also in attendence.
The Union Minister of State for Sports also visited the Suaka Memorial Cricket Ground in Sihhmui, as well as the SAI facilities in the state. He will also attend XI Million Football Festival at Lammual tomorrow.