Play For Her: New platform for Women’s Football professionals & amateurs!

German women’s football icons Julia Simic (AC Milan), Lina Magull (FC Bayern Munich) and Laura Vetterlein (West Ham United) have launched a new platform called “Play For Her” on various social media channels to help women’s footballers and to inspire them with their very own experiences at the highest level.

The three footballers will share their experiences in football business, their daily routines and talk about different topics of the beautiful game, besides taking care of various aspects of a football career. They aim to act as role models for women’s footballers at all levels, while underlining the opportunities for girls and women in football to push boundaries and prejudices.

AC Milan’s Julia Simic, a former Germany Women’s international, had to cope with various major injuries in her career and she is willing to share her lessons learned with the community. Therefore, the 31-year-old will take care of all topics concerning prevention and rehab.

Germany star and FC Bayern captain Lina Magull will be in charge of all aspects concerning nutrition and regeneration. A proper diet and training has paved her way to the top while winning the Women’s Bundesliga, Women’s Cup and UEFA Women’s Champions League.

Laura Vetterlein’s focus will be on mindset, leadership and empowerment. The West Ham United’s defender will lay emphasis on the fact that results and performances are not only a evolve from talent and physicality.

Please join and follow #PlayForHer on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and .

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