Tag Archives: Handball

Germany’s professional leagues join forces with towns, cities & municipalities to provide vaccination locations!

The Initiative Profisport Deutschland (IPD) – an association of the four largest sports leagues in Germany – is offering to support towns, cities and municipalities to implement vaccination opportunities alongside sporting events. With this initiative, the DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga with the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2, the easyCredit Basketball Bundesliga …

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BIGinSports podcast: January 2021 Round-Up ft. Arunava Chaudhuri!

In the latest BIGinSports podcast, Patric Hoch and Arunava Chaudhuri in the latest episode do a round-up of international sports in January 2021. Listen to the BIGinSports podcast in German under: Im Rückblick auf den Januar2021 sprechen wir über, – die 4. Schanzentournee – die Handball WM – Fussball – …

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Assisting health authorities with contact tracing: Leading cultural, hospitality & sports associations explore collaboration!

With a view to recording and tracking visitor flows during the coronavirus pandemic, leading associations in Germany from the areas of culture, hospitality and sport are exploring cross-sector collaboration. The initial aim is to analyse whether jointly deploying one or more technical solutions could be a viable way to efficiently …

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rs1tv VIDEO: Bergisch Handball Championships being held in Remscheid!

Over this weekend from Friday to Sunday, Remscheid is hosting the second edition of the regional Bergisch Handball Championships for the top clubs from the region. Here comes my rs1tv report from the tournament! Die 2.Bergischen Handballmeisterschaft finden ab heute bis Sonntag in der Sporthalle Neuenkamp statt. Wir haben uns …

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rs1tv VIDEO: Remscheid to host Bergisch Handball Championships over the weekend!

Over the upcoming weekend from Friday to Sunday, Remscheid will host the second edition of the regional Bergisch Handball Championships. Here comes my rs1tv preview interview! Die 2.Bergische Handballmeisterschaft findet wieder von Freitag bis Sonntag in der Sporthalle Neuenkamp ausgespielt. Alex Zapf vom ausrichtenden Verein, den Bergischen Soldaten der Liebe, …

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rs1tv – VIDEO: Second edition of Remscheid charity event Sport4Hospiz held!

On Friday/Saturday, June 30/July 1, the second edition of the charity event Sport4Hospiz was held in Remscheid, where the players from handball, roller hockey, and tennis from the clubs HG Remscheid, IGR Remscheid and Tennis Club Grün Weiss Lennep played tennis, handball and roller hockey against each other. Wir haben …

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rs1tv – VIDEO: Sport4Hospiz charity event to be held a second time in Remscheid!

As I report for rs1tv, the Sport4Hospiz charity event will return this year for a second edition to Remscheid with HG Remscheid, IGR Remscheid and TC Grün-Weiß Lennep facing each other in the three sports of handball, roller hockey and tennis on June 30/July 1 in Remscheid. Nachdem Erfolg von …

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rs1tv VIDEO: The Bergisch Handball Championships in Remscheid!

Handball is in Germany the second biggest team sport after football. In my home town, the local lower division side Bergische Soldaten der Liebe (BSdL) have come forward to organise a local pre-season tournament under the name of Bergische Handballmeisterschaft​ (Bergisch Handball Championships). I was there on Friday evening, the …

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rs1tv – VIDEO: Remscheid charity event Sport4Hospiz raises 3.500 Euros!

The charity event Sport4Hospiz was played on June 17/18 in Remscheid, where the players from football, handball, and roller hockey, from the clubs TV Hasten, HG Remscheid and IGR Remscheid played football, handball and roller hockey against each other. In the end at the handover of the official cheque there …

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