UEFA concludes settlement with group of Liverpool FC fans regarding 2022 UEFA Champions League Final in Paris!

UEFA has today concluded a full and final settlement with those Liverpool fans represented by Pogust Goodhead and Bingham Long and who have raised personal injury claims in respect of their experiences at the 2022 UEFA Champions League Final that took place in Paris.

UEFA has already taken a number of steps following the 2022 Final, including implementing recommendations from the Independent Review and establishing a special refund scheme. Today, it has gone further by ensuring that Liverpool fans represented by Pogust Goodhead and Bingham Long receive a sum by way of compensation in relation to the difficulties and challenges that they were confronted with.

The parties have agreed the terms of this statement but that the terms of the settlement will otherwise remain confidential. The settlement agreement has been made without any admission of liability. UEFA is pleased to have reached a common position which it is hoped provides closure for the fans. UEFA will be making no further comment in relation to the same.

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