iSportConnect name Sandy Case as new CEO, founder Sree Varma becomes new Chairman!

iSportConnect have announced Sandy Case as new the CEO with founder Sree Varma becoming its new chairman.

Open letter from our new CEO, Sandy Case:

It’s an exciting new dawn for iSportConnect as we make some important changes. After 12 years at the helm, Sree Varma has decided to step down as CEO and move ‘upstairs’ as Chairman and as a result it’s a huge honour to step into his pioneering shoes to lead the business forward.

Those of you who know Sree will know that he co-founded the business with Michael Cunnah back in 2010, but 12 years is a long time for any founder to remain as CEO and this transition allows the team to build on what he has created.

To kick off you will see some exciting new announcements around new hires, new style Masterclass+ events, new weekly newsletter and developments on our Web3 Summit for Sport.

There’s a lot happening for us in 2023. I want everyone to feel that iSportConnect is relevant to your role in the sport industry, so if you are a Rights Holder, Brand or Broadcaster, then our invite-only events will enable you to genuinely learn with, and from, each other in a fun interactive way.

If you are a service provider, we will continue to offer the best route to market through our Advisory team, and for everyone we will continue to bring interesting and relevant features, research, and insights to help you grow.

For example, we have just launched our new weekly Sports Business Index that has already had more views than any other piece of content we’ve hosted or posted for several years. Look out for more items and ideas like this.

Above all we are ‘connectors’ – we love collaboration and trying new things. We have to fail and I expect us to fail from time to time. That’s how we progress and I promise to build upon Sree’s work, create a kind, thriving and relevant business that you all enjoy interacting with.

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