AS Roma renews agreement with RomaNatura for two more years!

AS Roma, along with Ente regionale RomaNatura, is furthering its commitment to championing and advancing towards their sustainability objectives; just one year on from the signing of the first protocol agreement, the collaboration has now been extended until 2025.

During the first year of the agreement, one of the initiatives at the Trigoria training centre – which is situated within the Decima Malafede Nature Reserve – kicked off with the specific aim of reducing CO2 emissions, boosting the facility’s biodiversity and restoring the greenery with the greatest possible care.

This will be achieved by planting new species of trees, which will create a positive impact on the local environment and the surrounding community.

Furthermore, with the restyling of the sports centre facades, the club has achieved an estimated annual energy saving of 96 megawatts, resulting in approximately 34,000 grams fewer CO2 emissions.

The collaboration aims to promote social, cultural and sporting activities relating to the environment through common interest projects at the Trigoria training centre and within the Rome community.

The collaboration has also been extended to cover initiatives aimed at the wider community such as the “A scuola di tifo – Willy Monteiro” project, with events at schools regarding the importance of safeguarding the environment and providing education about sustainability, thanks in part to the invaluable contribution of park rangers.

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