CAF Appeal Board Decision on the USM Alger vs RS Berkane matter!

The CAF Appeal Board met today to deliberate on the appeal by USM Alger of Algeria on the decision of the CAF Organizing Committee for CAF Interclub Competitions and Management of the Club Licensing System on the incident during the TotalEnergies CAF Confederation Cup first leg semifinal fixture between USM Alger and RS Berkane on that was scheduled on April 21, 2024.

CAF Appeals Board ruled that

  1. The Appeal filed by USM Alger against the CAF Organizing Committee for the Interclubs Competitions decision dated 24 April 2024 is dismissed.
  2. The CAF Organizing Committee for CAF Interclub Competitions and Management of the Club Licensing System decision dated 24 April 2024 is upheld.
  3. All other and further motions or prayers for relief are dismissed.

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