FF Samoa benefits from Governance Workshop at OFC Home of Football!

Members of the Football Federation Samoa (FFS) board were in Auckland this week to attend a workshop at the OFC Home of Football ‘Te Kahu o Kiwa’ which focused on Governance.

The one-day workshop organised by OFC General Secretary Frank Castillo, is the first of its kind with OFC planning to hold similar workshops with other Member Associations (MA) in the coming months.

The workshop covered OFC’s core purpose and values and how the FFS could link them to their strategy. The OFC Governance framework/integrity was discussed and how the FFS would have to understand the importance of this.

There was also a session on capability building within the MAs.

“Football has become more and more complex, and we believe we have a responsibility to empower and assist all the MAs.” Castillo said.

FFS President Sam Petaia felt the learnings from the workshop would flow through to Samoa’s growing football community.

“I think there’s a lot to be taken back. These are things that we have discussed as a board in the past. There are new things that we’ve seen as a board in terms of standards and what’s required. There are things that need to be polished. Definitely, a lot has been learned and we are the first federation to do it.” Petaia reflected.

“Governance is important because that’s what dictates where the direction a federation wants to direct itself. Governance controls what you do and makes things happen if it’s done correctly, and especially at board level.”

“Football is a different game now from when it was 20 years ago. Through the right governance, measures that are put in place to make sure things are done right and are up to date with the standards nowadays.”

Petaia says having good governance practices will allow Football Federation Samoa to flourish.

“Definitely. If we want to take the game to the next level, these are things that we must put in place. It comes from the board. The board directs where we want to go as a federation.” Petaia said.

His thoughts were echoed by board member Teresa Asiata.

“It is important for us so that we may govern our Federation on the right path, so to have transparency and accountability for decisions.

“I’ve learned that I have to maintain the green and not overstep the boundary on the blue one, which is a good thing because sometimes we sort of overstep our decision making, but it’s good to know.”

“We will take a lot back to our clubs so they will understand (their responsibilities) and it is a very important opportunity for us to be here and to go through with OFC governance and to align with all the MAs back home.”

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